Luang Pu Tim's Amulets In our minds "

Luang Pu Tim's Amulets In our minds "

         Luang Pu Tim has many sacred objects to print. It can be processed as follows.

1. The Shin Bantu set consists of the Chakri Chaiwat, the Buddha and the Buddha's eyes, which is called a set of soldiers. This Shin Bunchut is a traditional pagoda. The ceremony was poured at the yard of the temple on May 5, 1974, this set is the owner of the phrase. "A little bit harder to find like a sphere in the bargain, not find it".

     1.1.1 The Phra Yutthana 108, according to the two texts.

     1.1.2 The top of the tower and the old castle.

     1.1.3 ancient arcade sheet of Chiang Saen Comes with 1.1.2 on the north.

     1.1.4 Nine kinds of Native (Native to the formula of King Rama V, Wat Pa Kaew), one heavy, two heavy, three heavy, three heavy, four heavy, five mercury, five heavy zinc, six baht copper. Weighted seven baht, eight baht weight, nine baht weight

     1.1.5 Slice of Chaiwat Wat Phra Chaiwat

     1.1.6 Old Old Garbage

     1.1.7 Phra Yin Chai Chunchon The temple at Wat Benchamabophit.

     1.1.8 The fifth reign Royal Thai Army

     1.1.9 King Naresuan Medal of War

     1.1.10 Slates and fragments of various bellows weigh about three kilograms.

1.1. The good price of all the way. Can be said The meat is as follows. Thirteen gold Beef thailandSixteen Gold Buttons Buttom powder, one hundred and four. Three hundred and ninety (Not numberedOne hundred ninety and five, and hammered one hundred ninety and five. Let's make merit at Wat Chao Seven Ayudhya). Two thousand five hundred and ninety five.

1.2 Phra Chaiwat Chinbunchorn, the name of the good. Prosperity Win the barriers to work well. Can be said Fifty nine kinds of gold. Beef meat Ninety-five metal looms. One thousand eight hundred and ninety five Money

1.3 The Buddha's teachings. I am lucky to have a fortune. Can be said It is a high-altitude Buddha andSankara Chan The total metal is one thousand and eight hundred.

1.4 Phra Chan Chin Chorn . Great fortune. Can be said There are a total of six thousand pieces of metal.

2. Phra Khun Phaen Pediatric Powder There are both large print and small print which is known as the warp wholesalers. The Khun Phaen Powder Pediatrics has a number of thousands. Considered the great mercy of the great charm and invaluable patronage of the nickname "Khunphon Banai" has a process of creating a novel as fiction. It is difficult to find anyone to perform the ceremony again. It's a fascinating story, no less. The two prints have two standard blocks. Block try printing, which is a block that is printed in the early stages. The print is also quite shallow. The meat is rather rough. Later, the mold is made to look more beautiful, called the first block or popular block, while the second block is played in the limited.Some prints on the back side of the buried sarai, small prints are not buried

3. Phra Phutprakarn, a pediatrician, head of the small head and the merit of the merit of the great mercy of the trade is a lucrative business. The head of a small head was printed in the early days of Tim. It is a sheep block from the razor blade in 1972. The main mass of the print is a pedestal powder. Mixed with that eight And your magic powder. Then press to print out the Lord

4. Coins:

4.1 Medal of honor to the first generation built in 2508. Successful graduates have the rank of bureaucrat.Alaskan meat coin number one thousand sixty. If the meat is algae, the money will be added.

4.2 BAHT medal of the year 2517 merit making merit, treatment of the disease and the request. It is a great experience, as people have been drinking alcohol in the morning sickness, it turned out that the symptoms improved. Someone made a ritual for carpets every morning. To ask for the sale of good profit, it turns out that the easy purchase,

4.3 Coin Charoenporn and Charoenporn Lower were built in 1974 to find funds for the construction of the pavilions of the temple. By Luang Tim, you have allowed to build a number not over. Twenty thousandAnd it is said that the pump to be completed before the West Saturday, April 21, 1974, and then brought to you to chant that day. Pump the coins just how much it took. The reason you have to insist on it because it is a trick that you want to lead the coin to prosper, but the prosperity never falls as the west is going down. But with the time to create a very close to the copper beef pump just. Twenty-five thousand eight hundred and ninety five dollars. Divide the coin into a coin. Six thousand eight hundred and ninety five dollars. Charoenporn Medal Nine thousand dollars Silver coins Three hundred forty three dollarsLead beef coin four hundred dollars. Sixteenth Gold Medal One thousand one hundred sixty six dollars.Total number of coins created Seventeen thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. (Estimated price.Gold plated hundreds of thousands of lead in the middle of the lead.

4.4 USD Six Semicircle Created in 1975, celebrated the age of Luang Pu Tim's eight-day anniversary on June 16, 2518 meridian merit. And the main. The meat is as follows. Gold plated Build number Fifty six dollars (Estimated price) More than a million. Build number One hundred and sixty nine dollars.(Estimated price) The end of the money. Build number Eight hundred ninety seven dollars (Estimated price) The first one. Build number One thousand eight hundred and ninety seven dollars. (Estimated price) Tens of thousands) Build number Two thousand two hundred and ninety seven dollars. (Estimated price) ). Number of Creations Fifty Dollars (Estimated Price Tens of thousands) Build number Four hundred coins (Estimated price) Tens of thousands) Twenty-two thousand two hundred ninety seven dollars.
4.5 Coins of eight rings built around the year 2518 Luang Pu Tim celebrate the eight anniversary of the 16th June 2518 meridian merit. And the main. From the eight series, you will be thinking about this. Nine gold coins (estimated price) More than a million. Three hundred and ninety five dollars. (Estimated price)And the flesh of twenty-two thousand and fifty-seven dollars.
4.6 coin cast eight times around, built in 1975, celebrated the age of Luang Pu Tim's eight-day anniversary on June 16, 2518 meridian merit. And the main. Gold plated Fifty six dollars

4.7 Coins Nine rounds, built in 1975, celebrated the age of Luang Pu Tim's eight-day anniversary on June 16, 2518 meridian merit. And the same is true. Seven gold coins
4.8 Coin Charoenporn, two generations, built in 1975, two coin generations, this is a great coin Luang Por Tim. The front and back of the coin can be filled with characters as you provide. Charoenporn Medal was designed beautifully and beautifully. The front of the code is embedded under the base of Thai numerals from 1 to 2589 in copper. (Estimated price) Gold meat creates six coins (estimated price). More than a million. One hundred and eleven coins. (Estimated price) ) One hundred and nine dollars. (Estimated price) The middle is also the number of characters. There are three glass heart. Heart of Chimphli Used in the way to make good fortune. And protect against the ghost with a heart to fill the heart of the lion's heart to use the power. The enemy fight. The crown of the Buddha (or another name is Eighti Direction), good and kind. Heart of the Scriptures A spell is available all the way. Four Elemental Hearts Help support every spell that participates in the show. God's Sixteen Heart The Great Patriotism, mercy, great grace and abundant experience. View Profile Luang Pu Tim meant that you fully. It is a coin to worship.

4.9 Coins of the fourth generation, built in 1975, will be similar to the Charoenporn Medal, because the similarity Money Ninety Seven (Estimated price) ) Four hundred coins (Estimated price) Tens of medium) and copper Twenty thousand (Estimated tens of thousands)

4.10 USD Sitting room built in 1975 (make man out) or full name is medal at Sriracha Hospital.Nowadays, it has been popular because of its use in the treatment of disease. Gold plated two coins (estimated price). There is no price for it. Thousands of dollars (about ten thousand dollars

4.11 Drops of water (created to distribute women) was created in 1975. Nowadays, it has been very popular because of its use in the treatment of disease. Gold plated two coins (estimated price). There is no price for it. Thousands of dollars (about ten thousand dollars)

4.12 Phra Naratham was built to find the capital to build a Uthum Monastery built in 1975. Emphasis is on the Mahat, stopping the bearings because the trial before. Gold Nine Generation (Estimated Price ). Two hundred and ninety five. (Estimated price) ). Two thousand five hundred and eighteen. (Estimated price)Tens of medium) One thousand (estimated tens of thousands);)

4.13 Tamarind tamarind meat, also known as Ong Kru Noi, was built in 1974 with gold meat (estimated price). Money) (Estimated price) ). (Estimated price) ; D; D; D; D; D

5. Likewise, the image is like a quarter-moon, built in 1975. The metal is made of one thousand eight hundred and ninety five (estimated cost). Tens of thousands): kicking

6. The meat powder.

6.1 Phra Somdej Rairai, Tim, Wat Lahan, Rayong is the first generation of Luang Pu Timirri, built in 1974 by Luangta Bang, Wat Nong Kunto, Chonburi. Dedicated to Luang Pu Tim, he consecrated three thousand together with a mixture of powdered ghost and powdered miracle powder at Luang Pu. You have given Luang Ta Bang to create such a statue, and in addition to Luang Ta, some of the powder is also used. You collect them to mix in the meat version. This is Wat Phra Somdej Wat Raiwari. It is a mixture of meat powder and many wonderful powder is another version of Luang Pu Tim is a popular collection for a long time ago. (Estimated price) Thousands to ten thousand): wiggle

6.2 Close the eyes of the stone after five talents embedded in the gem of a total of nine thousand in 1974, along with the blind eye behind the gourd gourd led by the creators led by Mr. Chinporn Suksathit and Khun Prachakit. I have to hire gold teacher. Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen It contains a mixture of powdered infant, Powder, Powder, Powder, Powder, Powder, The main ingredients. The Luang Pu Tim was given to him by the creators and was given to Thong Luang. Print With meat Colors are white (easy to find), black (hard to find), gray (hard to find) and brown (hard to find). Behind the gemstone. Sprinkle the ring's filings Chinabanchorn and no, it is not for the powder Tim Isaac Rico has written the characters are ciphers are sifting through fall down slate. And surpassed whites lined out to second floor to the seventh floor Wat Lahan Rai. That said, this is not exaggerating at all. But the revelation that ye might believe that Tim Isaac Rico. It was the joy and appreciation of merit prestige of Luang Pu Tim Isaac Rico. Anyone who possesses worship The magpie shimmering powder Pediatrics It's wonderful to have you with advanced. Will result in wealth prosperity A fortune for himself It is the merit of those who have joined together. He said his grandfather's already has an owner. Of whom shall I be with him. Any owner would not have a need to change sooner or later: whistling.

6.3 The daily print edition packed powder chamber. Of the group that packed. It began when the temple ผokpattsima Laharnrai The measure provides for the creation of amulets, numbering about ผokpattsima up. Eighty Four Thousand Buddha The amount Trrmkants When it comes ผokpattsima held in 2517. The measure was brought to the altar for public rental kiosks placed in a parapet around the temple and the temple. The people bought gold leaf gilding Loknimit a series of ten plates will be given a certain amount of powder is approximately twelve to be placed on the facade parapet around the temple facade of one of the holes to put Loknimit. And the principal base of more than one holistic placed in different parts of the body remaining. The second is to take off or keep it as a souvenir. After the flood in 2524, water flowed through the arched parapet. The measure was to organize the cremation Tim. On Sunday, March 62526 to be distributed as souvenirs, objects on the job. The measure has taken a turn for the group said. With the state of packaging placed on the soil in the hole under the arch masonry parapet without surrounding them. Thus, the damaged part. He has already had a deal in the royal cremation Tim. The rest was open for worship for the development measure. The kit includes the seventh day is the Lord on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (lunch) on Thursday. Friday and Saturday (There is no god but Wednesday night), the magpie (with gold underneath) the King (normal) His Majesty the goats. The Queen and His salvationIs the seventh episode on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (lunch) on Thursday. Friday and Saturday (There is no god but Wednesday night), the magpie (with gold underneath) the King (normal) His Majesty the goats. The Queen and His salvationIs the seventh episode on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (lunch) on Thursday. Friday and Saturday (There is no god but Wednesday night), the magpie (with gold underneath) the King (normal) His Majesty the goats. The Queen and His salvation

Complemented by grace powder formulations have the child (for the estimated thousands)

7. Lock socket and photographs (price estimate. Tens of thousands of middle initial)

8. talisman, including The Lancet and other small wooden image of penis Leathernecks Yan (price estimate. Tens of thousands ends early Excluding Lancet)
