Phra Somdej Wat Rakang Print review of the meat, dry eyes, see the clear. Over a hundred years

Phra Somdej Wat Rakang Print review of the meat, dry eyes, see the clear. Over a hundred years The mass has collapsed. Naturally Potholes Like a dry stream across the body.
Wat Phra Somdej Wat Rakang is built around 3 4 era.

Early life craftsman craftsman. It was built from the reign of King Rama II to the reign of King Bhumibol from 1852 to 1850 for 41 years.
The medieval craftsman ten. It was built during the reign of King Bhumibol Adulyadej at the age of 14 years.
Luang Prabang It was built from the reign of the year 4-5 years 1864 to 1872 for 8 years.
          Each era is different to me. In the early it was said that there are many forms to be mentioned anymore ... In the creation of the gods, the people who made the mold to the king is still divided into ten people. And the royal art, each of which is beautiful to me. I would like to know each other ... The royal carpenters who presented the King with 3 people who arranged that the mold is the most beautiful and pleasing. It is very important.

1. Royal Vijitt Narumon.

2. Luangsit Yodha Rak

3. Luang Krating

          His Majesty the King appreciates his Majesty, because it is small and beautiful in every aspect. Mold of Luangvichit Narumol Most of the monks are found to be the monks that were created and distributed in the Royal Palace as well as the mold of Luang Phoeng as well. The most created monks in the year 2411 King Chulalongkorn, the reign of King Rama V Ascendant There are many offerings. But the mold found. It is found in the mold of Luang Vichit Naruemol and Luangsit Yottharak. The construction was completed in 1869, and it was found to have been built until 1872. It is considered to be the last one ... The monks in this period are considered to be very good monks because of the modern tools. More and more, in 1872, a monk was created from the frame of success. There is no cut at the side. But between 1868-2412, there is a priest who created the original is cut with a hammer. I have more ingredients
